Saturday, February 7, 2009

CHD Week!

Welcome to CHD Awareness Week! Congenital heart defects are the number one birth defect. They take the lives of more babies in the first year of life than all forms of childhood cancer combined. One in about 85 babies will be born with a heart defect. I made this last year for CHD awareness. It means so much more to me now than ever. Click on the thumbnail to play.

View this montage created at One True Media
Why We Are Raising Awareness

1 comment:

SuperSymmetry said...

I've been following your story from I cannot describe the feelings I get when I read about all you have been through with your family. All I can say is that my heart goes out to you. In Tommy's honor today I joined Saving Little Hearts, Inc. on facebook, invited my friends and donated my status in order to spread awareness.

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries