Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just a couple more days until Christmas! I am truly blessed this year. Thanks to a few precious people that I have never met, my children will be having the best Christmas that I could have ever imagined. My heart overflows with joy and the true meaning of Christmas.

The boys are getting a little crazy this week. The closer Christmas gets, the more rambunctious they are. Even Tommy is getting into the act. This evening as I was getting him ready for bed, he was laying on the living room floor. Matthew was standing near him looking for something. I look at Tommy and see him with a huge grin on his face. Well, sort of. It was hard to tell since he had Matthew's pant leg in his mouth! Oh, and earlier tonight, we went to dinner (Chinese buffet, my favorite!)and we kept Tommy in his stroller/car seat combo. We put up the hood on his car seat to just block out some of the noise and people nearby. It didn't do us any good. He figured out how to fold it back down and grin from ear to ear.

He's also learned to sign the word "play" this week! He refuses to stay put for any purpose whatsoever. The only time he is still now is when he is asleep, and even then he will wake up in a different part of his crib.

Matthew and Brandon are both about to go nuts for presents! There are some out and some still hidden. I feel like I need to stand over the gifts with a stick to keep them away! This is going to be such a wonderful day for them. I can hardly wait myself! After the year we have had, and the many, many blessing that have rained down on us in the just the past few weeks, I really do believe in Santa.

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Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries