Saturday, April 26, 2008

We've made it to the floor and he's feeling okay! I had to go find some toys because he was really, realllllly bored!

He's doing well and we're still probably going home Monday, possibly Tuesday. I'm glad we're having some peace and quiet. No more ICU beep, beep, beeps. I don't see how anyone gets well in an ICU. It's one of the noisiest places I've ever been in the hospital. Tommy could been in the cafeteria at lunchtime and had a better chance at resting!

Now that this big procedure is behind us, its time to start gearing up for HEART SURGERY! Gotta love Tommy and all his scars!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job, tommy! glad things are going well! - your site is great!
- thai, david and mina loy

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries