Thursday, January 24, 2008

This and That Update

What a day, or rather, what a week! My mother in law is in town this week and we've been having a ball! Right now, I am completely indebted to her for eternity. She took Matthew and Brandon off of my hands for the night. Ahhhhhh! Peace and quiet! My state taxes came back today so I was able to pitch in half for dinner. Usually she comes down and treats us all week. Rob and I feel like heels, but what can we do? So today, I felt really good handing over the money to help!

Then it was off to Walmart. I intended to buy a roasting pan, and ended up walking out with an entire new wardrobe! I've never seen so much Plus Size clothing on sale there before. I was so excited because not only did they have a huge selection of stuff I actually liked, not only did I have money with me, but it was all ON CLEARANCE! Yeah!!!!

Tommy has a nurse tomorrow, and I am going to trust her and leave Tommy alone so we can take the kids to the children's museum. She'll have my cell, but I'm sure he'll be just fine. This is a BIG step for me. I've never left him before unless he was in a hospital. It's time. It's overdue. I need to be able to function as a person, not just as Tommy's caregiver.

And now for the "Mixed Blessing News Of The Day". Tommy's heart cath has been scheduled for February 6th at 6 o'clock in the morning. He will be first case. I'm apprehensive, but this HAS to be done. We need to move on with these surgeries and work towards getting out the trach. We have lives to lead and we are ready to do it.

1 comment:

Awesome Mom said...

That is a scary feeling. I still remember the first time I left Evan with someone else. Have a fun time!

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries