Friday, November 16, 2007

Update on my week

I really need to blog more often! Here's an update of what's been going on around here:

Tuesday: New nurse day. She was fabulous and I can't wait until she comes back! I took a short nap and even had the kids outside playing in the yard for a couple of hours. She is such a great fit for our family and I hope to steal her away when we get our full time nursing budget.

Wednesday: Boring day, no therapy, just us hanging out as a family

Thursday: Cardiology appointment for Tommy. Not a great day, but it was expected. I had a feeling about what they'd say. His doctor suggested that Tommy go to the cath lab as early as next week to try to open up his shunt a little so we can wait on surgery for a little while more. If they can't open it, then we are facing OHS yet again. The cath will tell us the type of heart surgery he will have. Good pulmonary function means we do the Glenn and poor function means we just resize his shunt again. I'm just waiting on a phone call. If I don't hear from them soon, I think I need to call.

And of course, today is Friday. Tommy has been tired lately so PT consisted mostly of sitting and reaching. No heavy duty work today. I've been trying to squeeze in a few homeschool lessons, but it's hard. No matter how hard, it sure beats sending them to school then wondering how they will get home when Tommy has a doctor's appointment.

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Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries