Thursday, November 6, 2008


What a whirlwind this has been! Rob expanded his job search nationwide and was able to secure employment in Kansas. I am home in KY and looking for work. I'm also being treated for my long battle with depression.

Our goal is to have a transition period for our boys. If I am here in KY with them, they can keep their familiar surroundings while getting to know me again after not being able to see me for two months. Then, when our income taxes come in, we can move the family to Kansas with Rob for a fresh start in a brand new place. That being said, if for some reason this job doesn't work out or Rob decides KS is not where he'd like our children raised, then there is the option of just staying in KY.

It is all very much a day to day thing. The important thing is that we are moving forward as a family, one day at a time. We are still struggling, but once Rob starts getting paychecks and I can start a job, things will start to feel less constricting.

I have an appointment this morning with my counselor, and then I am putting in job applications until my sister gets out of work and can pick me up.

I also want to thank everyone that donated to helping get us to KY. From now on, any money donated with go directly to funeral expenses and eventually a headstone for Tommy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to finally hear from you. I have read your blog and have been praying for you. I think when times like you have had come around it is very easy to drop into the depression state. Please keep you head up. : )

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries