Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I'm having a nice, lazy day. It started a little on the tense side, but things have died down. Mean Mommy had to come out for a little while to get everyone to behave. One the older boys figured out I meant business, they straightened up. I even got them to pick up their room. Now Tommy is having a nice little nap, and Matthew and Brandon are watching television in their room.

Rob has not been feeling well. He's gained a lot of weight lately and is very discouraged. It's affecting his health. So he and I are changing our lives drastically. I changed his portions sizes to reflect our new eating habits. It's not easy for him. It's only easier for me because I have been doing this longer because of my own health issues (I'm pre-diabetic). He must have told me ten times last night that he was hungry. I haven't exactly been good myself. I did at least make a good choice for my sweet tooth...a can of beets! OHHHH, it hit the spot! Nice and sweet, low carbs, vitamins, no guilt there!

Rob is taking a nap right now. I'm a little jealous that he can go take a nap whenever the mood strikes him. Heck, I don't even have a bed right now! One of these days, hopefully before Tommy turns, oh, say three we will have him moved to his own room and I can have a twin size bed in there with him. I miss sleeping in the same room as my husband, but Tommy's health comes first. Until then, my living room is part entertainment room, part bedroom, part hospital. I am so thankful that when we got our taxes back last year that I bought very comfy couches!

The last time I had new living room furniture, I was 19, married to my ex husband and a brand new mom. We bought a sofa bed. NOT a comfy piece of furniture. When we moved to Maine, my ex thought it was a great idea to store everything we owned in his family's barn. Not only did it stink like crazy (it was a "working" barn with animals!), but the bull got loose and sat on my one year old couch! I've been using hand me down furniture ever since. I made a much better choice with these couches! Now if only I can get all of this medical equipment out of here, I might be able to find a place to sit!

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Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects

Diagram of Tommy's Heart Defects
Double Inlet Left Ventricle with Transpostion of the Great Arteries